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Lorraine Manley

Bookings Ph: 0409 495 962

Lorraine is now available for face to face readings in Ipswich, Most days except Fridays, phone readings still available too. Please call or text Brian 0409495962 to book. Stay safe everyone.

Lorraine's Book available now




$27.50 now $20  (Plus $10 postage)        



Me? A Psychic Medium?

Is it possible? Can someone who believes they have virtually no psychic ability become a working psychic medium? Common sense say’s no but the heart and spirit scream yes! If so, how does  it happen? How long does it take? What are the pit falls and how to avoid them? Since childhood, Lorraine had always dreamed of becoming a working psychic medium. There was one problem though; as much as she wanted to be psychic she believed she was not. In fact ‘as psychic as a block of wood’ is how she described herself. For many of her adult years Lorraine had been searching for serious psychic development groups and had been let down time after time. Finally she found her mentor. A person who would help her to unlock the amazing gift which had laid dormant within her for so many years. Me? A Psychic Medium? is a heartfelt, honest and sometimes humorous story describing Lorraine’s first steps on an incredible personal and spiritual journey. A journey filled with challenges, confusion and tears but also triumphs, laughter, and finally clarity. It had not been easy but well worth the effort.


To order a copy of Lorraine's Book,

"Me? A Psychic Medium?"

please call Brian on Mobile 0409 495 962  

Email: enquiries@psychicmedium.net.au       


Or pick up a copy at the following locations;


Peak-A-Do (Hairdresser)

45 Warwick Rd, Ipswich Qld


New Age Rockz n Stuff

Shop 624 Ipswich City Mall, Ipswich Qld


























































Together Again

Guided Meditation CD

"The Grand Hall Of Knowledge"

$20 Inc GST   (add $3 postage & handling).

This Guided Meditation will take you to a place of calm, peace and immense knowledge from the higher power.

If you need answers or guidance the answers may come from The Grand Hall of Knowledge.

Even if answers or guidance are not needed at this time, this CD will take you away from the stresses of life for 30 minutes.

To order this CD or enquire about others in the series please call Brian on Mobile 0409 495 962                                          Email: meditations@togetheragain.net.au     Thankyou.



Book Feedback        


"18 Nov 2014" Hi Lorraine,
I know this is for the Reading feedback, but the feedback for your Books isn't working at the moment. But I had to tell you ... How great your Book was...
I stretched it out over 2 weeks, even though I wanted to keep reading, I didn't want it to finish. You made me laugh, cry and took me on a journey of your ups and downs, on your way to becoming a wonderfully talented Psychic.
Your book helped me feel peace and you gave me comfort of mind, knowing that our Loved One's are at Peace and Happy.
To Everyone, this book is a wonderful read...
To Lorraine, I cannot wait for your next book...
And Thankyou Brian, for the wonderful work that you do.
Sharon Clancy


May 2013

Hello Lorraine,    I feel it important to say how much clarification I got about what you do after reading your book “Me? A Psychic Medium”.  Also your integrity shines through and gives me peace of mind and confirmation of how ethical you are.   I’d already felt this strongly in my first appointment with you (prior to reading your book) because of the accuracy of information you gave & the sincerity you exude.     Since then I’ve had a phone reading with you which was just as amazingly accurate  as my face-to-face Mt. Gravatt appointment.    You have a precious gift that fortunately you choose to share.   My experience from beginning to end has been professional, peaceful and enlightening.   This experience extends from my phone booking with Brian who took time to explain all and was empathetic to my curiosity  & 1st time hesitancy.  I’d prayed before going to the appointment and once meeting you everything fell into place naturally.   A very safe and professional environment too.     Lorraine, “thank you” for your sincere & respectful nature and blessed accuracy.   It is peaceful being in your presence and I’m very amazed at the spot-on information you give about my life plus accurate messages from loved ones who have passed away.   I also value the life tips mentioned in your book which are assisting me.     Diana (Brisbane)  


"02/12/2010"Dear Lorraine,
A friend of mine Leslie lent me your book to read yesterday afternoon and I couldn't put it down until it was finished!! What an amazing story, definitely one of the best books I think I have ever read. I cried through most of it! Please let me know when you are next in Cairns as I would love to meet you for a reading.

Lisa Smith

"16/11/2010"I read your book, it's fantastic. Like you, it's an honest account of your spiritual journey. I can so relate to some of your book in regard to psychic groups and how they can be so disappointing in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. There are so many so called people out there so quick to take your money that don't have a clue what they are doing or allowing people into groups that are just there for ego. I will be promoting your book to anyone that I know that is on the spiritual journey because it can give hope to people like me that want to learn to tune in like you did, not to give up on their spiritual learning. Keep up your great work you are truly few of a kind.Regards Sara   


"12/11/2010"Hi Lorraine, I have just finished reading your book "Me, A Psychic Medium?" It was so much more than what I had expected. I was enthralled all the way through as your amazing journey unfolded. I highly recommend it to everyone to gain an understanding of how Lorraine Manley became the fantastic psychic medium she is today. I am so proud of you for not giving up when it all seemed too hard. You have connected with my mother on two occasions for me and each time has proven beyond a doubt that Mum is watching over my life. Rhonda B "Malanda"



I have just finished reading you book... thoroughly enjoyed it thank you. I picked it up at CJ's when I was in there last. Rhonda Mellor


"20/10/2010"Dear Lorraine, 

Many thanks for the wonderful reading in Cairns recently, I also wanted to say that your book is fantastic, a great read, I couldn't put it down, a very heart warming story. Thank you. Leslie Marino



I finished reading your book this morning, what a wonderful journey! Lorraine you are a very gifted lady with a wonderful soul. Cathy Young


"12/09/2010"Hi Lorraine
just thought I'd let you know , I have started reading your book at long last and am enjoying it thoroughly. i read a chapter most mornings, just perfect before i go to work in the morning. jannine christensen



THANK YOU ! i finished the book last night - was sad to actually get to the end Can you let Lorraine know that while reading through her book there were so many things that i could relate too and just from reading her book i found it very healing. i have been struggling with my grandmother passing but through her readings and her book , i have found that i instead of crying for her - i smile and talk to her without breaking down.

Marshia Tapiki



I have been totally wrapped in the book and finished it the same night, I just couldn’t put it down.

Beatrice Curran















































































This meditation and others in the series were channelled through Lorraine who is a third generation Psychic Medium. Go to My Story for more information.



For Appointments

Email: enquiries@psychicmedium.net.au or Mobile: 0409 495 962

Disclaimer: Information and advice given in consultations must never take the place of qualified Medical, Legal or Professional advice.

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